
A new shopping area

Persuade Covers to move to the edge of town (Oldlands Farm area or Durban Road) where deliveries would be much easier. Use the vacated land to develop a shopping precinct with several storeys of affordable one and two bedroom apartments above.

Resite Bognor Regis Tip

Bognor Regis Tip
Situated where it is the tip caused a good deal of inconvenience until a booking system was introduced. This is not an ideal situation and may well lead to increased fly tipping.
If the tip was relocated further out of town to Oldlands Farm for instance the problems would be solved and the vacated site could be used for commercial purposes - a 3-4 storey office block to house an IT company perhaps.
The new tip could also have a shop, recycling or freecycling unwanted goods to help the environment.

Relocate southern Bowling Green

Move the southernmost bowling green in Waterloo Square to the eastern half of the Marine Park Gardens Putting Green. It is a quiet sport that is unlikely to disturb the residents and the putting green could become 9 holes instead of 18. The kiosk could manage both facilities.

Relocating the green would leave a sizeable piece of land in Waterloo Square which could be used for a whole range of leisure activities to attract the residents and visitors alike right in the heart of the town.

London Road Lorry and Car Park

Use both the lorry park and the car park for student flats, supported on pillars at level 1, leaving the whole of the ground floor area for public parking for the town.
Move the lorry park out to Oldlands Farm. The area would also serve as a waiting area for coaches. A dropping off point in the town would be required for coaches to deliver their passengers.