Create A Bognor Regis Idea

Add your idea to Regenerate Bognor Regis. Your idea can be anything related to any site in Bognor Regis which involves building something, adding a feature or planting trees and greenifying an area. If your idea is one of improving or adding to a service supplied by the police or our councils, such as 'reduce crime' or 'ban parking on pavements', it will be recorded separately on a list, and also available to be viewed.

Add information about your idea

Add photos (optional)
Files must be less than 64 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Please provide either an address or the location of your idea.
If you wish for your name to be displayed with your idea, then add it here
Your email address is required only in case we need to contact you and will not be publicly displayed
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

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